Indian Times Express

Celebrating International Customs Day 2023

The World Customs Organization (WCO), formerly known as the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC), was founded in 1952 in Brussels. Its principal mission as an international body was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of customs administrations. The council conducted its first meeting on January 26, 1953. The gathering was attended by just 17 member nations at the time. The organisation has expanded to 183 members. It manages almost 98 percent of global trade.

International Customs Day is observed on January 26th every year to raise awareness about the role of customs in maintaining border security and facilitating legitimate trade. For 2023, the theme for International Customs Day is “Customs fostering Sustainability for People, Prosperity, and the Planet.”

Customs plays an important role in protecting communities by preventing the illegal trade of goods and the movement of criminals across borders. Customs officers are responsible for ensuring that the goods that cross borders are in compliance with the laws and regulations of the country. They are also responsible for collecting the appropriate taxes and duties on those goods. In addition to this, Customs also helps to facilitate legitimate trade by providing efficient and streamlined processes for the clearance of goods.

The theme of this year, “Customs fostering Sustainability for People, Prosperity, and the Planet” highlights the role of Customs in promoting sustainable development by addressing the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainable development. Customs is a key player in the implementation of sustainable development goals, and the role of Customs in promoting sustainable trade has become increasingly important.

Customs organizations around the world are working to promote sustainability in several ways, such as by using new technologies to improve the accuracy and speed of inspections, by working with other government agencies to combat smuggling and other illegal activities, and by developing new policies and procedures to ensure that goods are produced, traded and consumed in a sustainable manner.

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