In a heartbreaking incident that occurred on Saturday, five children lost their lives due to drowning in Krishna Sagar Lake, located in the Botad district of Gujarat. The unfortunate incident unfolded when two children were swimming in the lake and found themselves struggling in the water, unable to stay afloat.Witnessing the distress of their companions, three other children who were present at the scene bravely jumped into the lake in a valiant effort to rescue them. However, tragically, all five children succumbed to the force of the water and drowned.
The identities of the deceased youngsters have yet to be confirmed, adding to the sorrow surrounding the incident. Local residents promptly informed the police of the distressing event around 4:30 pm. Upon receiving the distress call, the police quickly arrived at the location and initiated a rescue operation in a race against time. Despite their best efforts, the rescue team was unable to save the lives of the children, leaving the community in profound grief. Botad Superintendent of Police, Kishor Balolia, expressed his condolences and provided initial details on the incident. He revealed that the victims were aged between 16 and 17 years, emphasizing the tragic loss of young lives.
Balolia further stated that an investigation into the incident is currently underway, with authorities working to determine the circumstances surrounding the drowning. The devastating incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of water safety and the need for caution while engaging in water-related activities. As the community mourns the loss of these five young lives, it is hoped that the authorities will undertake measures to prevent such tragic incidents in the future, ensuring the safety of all residents and visitors to Krishna Sagar Lake.