Former Employee Alleges Sexual Coercion and Unpaid Wages in Lawsuit Against Rudy Giuliani


A woman named Noelle Dunphy has filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, claiming that she worked as an off-the-books employee for him during his tenure as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. Dunphy alleges that Giuliani coerced her into engaging in sexual activities and owes her nearly $2 million in unpaid wages. In a 70-page legal complaint filed in New York, she detailed her claims, which she had previously made public in January. Giuliani’s spokesperson vehemently denied the allegations on his behalf, with his lawyer also stating that Dunphy never worked for Giuliani. According to Dunphy’s lawsuit, she served as Giuliani’s business development director and public relations consultant from 2019 to 2021. The court filing portrays Giuliani, who is 78 years old, as a womanizer who made satisfying his sexual demands a requirement for Dunphy’s employment. Dunphy asserted that she has audio recordings of Giuliani, including instances where he made sexual comments, demanded sex, and made sexist, racist, and antisemitic remarks. However, her legal team declined to share these recordings, citing their relevance to the ongoing litigation. Screenshots of suggestive text messages purportedly from Giuliani were included in the complaint.

The lawsuit claims that Giuliani hired Dunphy in January 2019 and promised to pay her $1 million per year for her consulting work. However, he allegedly deferred payment until settling his divorce from his third wife. Dunphy further alleges that Giuliani made sexual advances towards her from the beginning, including kissing her on her first day and demanding sexual favors while on the phone with important contacts. Furthermore, Dunphy claims that Giuliani frequently requested that she work in revealing attire or strip naked during video meetings. Although Giuliani settled his divorce in December 2019, Dunphy states that she only received a few cash payments totaling $12,000 to cover her living expenses, leaving $1,988,000 still owed to her.

Dunphy also contends that Giuliani broke a promise to represent her for free in a legal battle involving domestic violence allegations. In this separate case, Dunphy had accused a former romantic partner of rape and physical assault, while he countersued for defamation and extortion. Although Dunphy agreed to a $10,000 settlement in 2016, the legal disputes remained unresolved until recently. Dunphy’s lawsuit seeks at least $10 million in damages. Giuliani plans to pursue all available remedies and counterclaims, according to his communications adviser.


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