In a tragic incident reported from the Parvatipuram-Manyam district of Andhra Pradesh, four elephants lost their lives due to electrocution. The unfortunate event took place at Katragadda village in the Bhamini mandal, near the Odisha border. The village had recently witnessed the arrival of a herd of six elephants from the neighboring state.
The lifeless bodies of the majestic tuskers were discovered in close proximity to an electric transformer within the village. Local villagers speculated that the elephants might have come into contact with the transformer, resulting in their untimely demise. Promptly informed by the villagers, authorities from the police and forest department swiftly arrived at the scene to initiate an investigation. Shockingly, the electric transformer was devoid of any protective boundary wall.
Ironically, this incident occurred at a time when the forest department was actively working on a plan to establish an elephant zone to accommodate a total of 14 elephants, including the eight already residing in the forest. Forest officials have vowed to take immediate measures to safeguard the remaining ten elephants.
Animal rights activists have vehemently demanded the establishment of an elephant rehabilitation center to address the growing crisis. They argue that elephants are being compelled to venture outside their natural habitats in search of food and water during the scorching summer season, only to fall prey to electrocution and other perilous incidents.
In response to the alarming situation, the Orissa High Court, on Wednesday, issued a directive to four power distribution companies in Odisha. The court ordered them to develop a time-bound plan to survey all villages that have experienced instances of wildlife movement, attacks, crop destruction, as well as the deaths of wild animals due to electrocution. Expressing deep concern over the recent spate of man-elephant conflicts resulting in the deaths of 18 elephants and 20 individuals, including four due to electrocution, the court criticized the lack of sufficient preventative measures taken to protect elephants from electrocution in Odisha.
The tragic electrocution incident in Andhra Pradesh serves as a somber reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive measures to safeguard both elephants and human lives. The call for an elephant rehabilitation center and the court’s directive to address the issue indicate a growing recognition of the gravity of the situation. It is imperative that proactive steps are taken to prevent such tragic incidents in the future and to ensure the long-term conservation and coexistence of humans and elephants in the region.