The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently announced the release of the RBI Grade B admit card 2023 for candidates who have applied for the general posts. The admit card can be downloaded from the official website of RBI at The RBI Grade B 2023 examination is scheduled to be conducted on July 9. The admit card for RBI Grade B 2023 will contain essential details such as the candidate’s roll number, password, date, time, and venue of the examination center. It is mandatory for candidates to carry the admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the examination center on the day of the examination.
The RBI Grade B examination will have a duration of 120 minutes. The question paper will consist of four sections, namely general awareness, English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning. A total of 200 questions carrying 200 marks will be included in the examination. To download the RBI Grade B admit card 2023, candidates need to follow a few simple steps. First, they should visit the RBI official website at Then, they should navigate to the “Current Vacancies” tab and click on the “Call Letters” option. Next, they should select the link titled “Admission Letters for the posts of Grade B DR (General) – PY-2023”. Afterward, candidates are required to enter their login credentials, such as registration or roll number and password or date of birth. Finally, by clicking the login button, the RBI Grade B admit card 2023 will be displayed on the screen. Candidates can then download the admission letter and take a printout for future reference.
The release of the RBI Grade B admit card 2023 is a crucial development for candidates who have applied for the general posts. It enables them to access essential information regarding their examination, such as the venue and timing. Aspirants are advised to download the admit card well in advance to avoid any last-minute complications. With the examination approaching, candidates can now focus on their preparation and utilize the remaining time effectively to excel in the RBI Grade B 2023 examination.