Singles’ Day: A Celebration of Singlehood and Self-Love


Singles’ Day, also known as Double 11 or 11/11, is an unofficial holiday celebrated in China on November 11th each year. It is a day to celebrate being single, and it has become the world’s biggest online shopping day, surpassing Black Friday and Cyber Monday in terms of sales volume.

The Origins of Singles’ Day

The origins of Singles’ Day can be traced back to the 1990s, when a group of single students at Nanjing University decided to celebrate their singlehood by organizing a social event on November 11th. The date was chosen because the numeral 1 resembles a bare stick (Chinese: 光棍; pinyin: guānggùn), which is Chinese Internet slang for an unmarried man who does not add ‘branches’ to the family tree. The four ‘1’s also abstractly refer to the demographic group of single people.

The Rise of Singles’ Day as a Shopping Event

In the early 2000s, Chinese e-commerce companies began to use Singles’ Day as an opportunity to promote their products and services. Alibaba, one of China’s largest e-commerce companies, played a pivotal role in popularizing the holiday as a shopping event. In 2009, Alibaba offered significant discounts on its website on November 11th, and the event was a huge success. The following year, Alibaba’s sales on Singles’ Day surpassed those of Black Friday.

Singles’ Day Today

Today, Singles’ Day is the world’s biggest online shopping day, with sales volume surpassing Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. In 2022, Alibaba’s sales on Singles’ Day reached a record-breaking $93 billion. The holiday has also become increasingly popular in other countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Beyond Shopping: A Celebration of Singlehood

While Singles’ Day is now primarily known as a shopping event, it is still a time to celebrate being single. Many single people use the day to organize social events, go on dates, or simply spend time relaxing and enjoying their own company.


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