In a devastating incident on Sunday, a 22-year-old woman lost her life due to drowning when the car she was traveling in with her family got trapped in neck-deep water at the KR Circle underpass, a mere stone’s throw away from Vidhana Soudha, the seat of power in Karnataka. However, thanks to the heroic efforts of fire and emergency services personnel, along with the assistance of compassionate bystanders, five members of the family and the driver were rescued from the flooded underpass in the heart of Bengaluru. The victim, identified as Bhanurekha, was immediately rushed to St Martha’s Hospital, but tragically, doctors declared her dead upon arrival. Upon learning of the incident, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah promptly visited the hospital to assess the situation firsthand. Expressing his condolences, he announced a compensation of Rs five lakh for the bereaved family and ensured that all those admitted to the hospital would receive free treatment.
Furthermore, in response to reporters’ concerns about the alleged denial of treatment to Bhanurekha despite being alive upon arrival, Siddaramaiah promised to launch an investigation and take appropriate action. Eyewitnesses reported that the driver of the car attempted to navigate through the water, but as they reached the middle of the underpass, the vehicle became partially submerged. The occupants, in a frantic effort to save themselves, emerged from the car. With the water level rising due to heavy rainfall and hailstorm, the family cried out for help, prompting nearby individuals to rush to their aid. Sarees and ropes were thrown to assist them in staying afloat, but unfortunately, Bhanurekha could not be saved. This tragic incident has shed light on the inadequate safety measures in place at the KR Circle underpass and has sparked demands for immediate action.
Additionally, other areas in Bengaluru, including Majestic, Mahalakshmi Layout, Malleswaram, Rajaji Nagar, and several low-lying regions, experienced severe flooding, leading to water entering houses, damage to property and vehicles, and disrupted traffic. Numerous trees were uprooted during the storm, causing further destruction. Local residents and civic agencies have voiced their grievances, highlighting the recurring issue of waterlogging and the lack of preventive measures in the city. The drowning incident serves as a somber reminder of the urgent need for improved safety infrastructure and preparedness to mitigate the impact of heavy rainfall in Bengaluru.