In a devastating incident that occurred in Neelavanji village, three borewell drilling workers from Chhattisgarh lost their lives when a JCB driver allegedly ran over them. The victims, identified as Vishnu (26), Shivaram (28), and Balaram (30), were part of a team assigned to dig a new borewell in the area. According to the police, the unfortunate incident took place at approximately 3 am while the workers were sleeping on the side of an agricultural field. The JCB driver, in a tragic turn of events, drove over them, causing fatal injuries that claimed their lives on the spot. The authorities swiftly responded to the situation, and the JCB owner, Balaiah, along with the driver, Basappa, has been apprehended by the police.
Raichur’s superintendent of police, B. Nikhil, expressed his condolences and provided details on the case, stating, “We have arrested JCB owner Balaiah and driver Basappa. The bodies of the deceased have been sent for postmortem, and their families have been duly informed about this tragic incident. “In light of the incident, the accused individuals have been charged under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). They face charges under Section 279 for rash and negligent driving, Section 338 for causing grievous hurt by an act endangering the life or personal safety of others, and Section 304A for causing death by negligence. These charges reflect the severity of the incident and the need to ensure justice for the victims.
The local community and authorities are deeply saddened by the loss of these young workers who had come to Neelavanji village for employment opportunities. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and vigilance to prevent such tragic accidents from occurring. Authorities have emphasized the need for proper safety measures and adherence to regulations to avoid such incidents in the future. As the investigation continues, the police will gather all necessary evidence to build a strong case against the accused individuals.
The focus remains on delivering justice and providing support to the grieving families who are now mourning the untimely loss of their loved ones. The incident has sparked discussions regarding worker safety and the responsibility of employers to ensure the well-being of their workforce. The local authorities and law enforcement agencies are working diligently to bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent similar incidents in the future. The tragedy in Neelavanji village serves as a somber reminder of the importance of valuing human life and taking necessary precautions to prevent avoidable accidents.