Nipun and Nikunj Goel, twin brothers from Uttar Pradesh’s Hapur, scored 100 and 99.99 percentile respectively in the JEE Main 2023 session 1. The National Testing Agency released the JEE Main result Tuesday morning.

It is so surprising for people to find twin brothers together win a competiton . As brothers, they not only helped each other to achieve a good score but also maintained healthy competition.
They supported each others during study. For the past two years — since we have been preparing — we made sure to support each other academically. They worked always together. Their schedules and preparation strategies were synced, so that worked in their favour. If either of us get stuck on some topic, we brainstormed and tried to find the solution together,” Nipun Goel said.
They want to earn seats at IIT Delhi or in IIT Bombay in computer science engineering (CSE) department. When quizzed about the motive behind pursuing a popular course rather than other engineering courses, Nipun said: “We are aware of what Ramgopal Rao has advised students about looking beyond CSE. However, we had been interested in coding till class 10, which we had to resist due to JEE preparation.
So for getting expirence and knowledge in coding skills we want to do in Computer science engineering ”The twins started preparing for JEE Main immediately after class 10.
However, since it was a Covid pandemic year, their classes switched to the online mode in April 2021. While the virtual classes saved their travel time, it was offline classes that helped them perform better. “ offcourse as Offline classes help you stay focused and determined. When you are physically available in a class with other students and a teacher, that makes you more disciplined and determine towards study— something that is difficult to achieve in online classes.
In this way they got their achievements with better results and today all people in India happy for them and Both the brothers celebrating their success with their family. Good wishes to both of them.