ASI Discovers 1,300-yr-old Buddhist Stupa in Odisha


The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has made a remarkable discovery in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, uncovering a 1,300-year-old Buddhist stupa in the village of Banapur. The stupa is believed to date back to the 7th century AD and is thought to be one of the oldest Buddhist structures in the region. The discovery is a significant milestone in the study of Buddhism in India and has been hailed as a major achievement by experts.

The stupa was discovered during excavation work carried out by the ASI in Banapur. The site was first identified as a potential archaeological site in 2018, and excavation work began in 2019. The stupa was unearthed during the excavation of a mound that had been identified as a possible site of a Buddhist structure.

The stupa is made of brick and is believed to have been built during the Shailodbhava period, which lasted from the 6th to the 8th centuries AD. The structure is 1.8 meters high and has a diameter of 22 meters. It is decorated with carvings of Buddha, Bodhisattvas, and other figures from Buddhist mythology. The stupa also contains relics, which are believed to be the remains of Buddhist monks.

The discovery of the stupa is a significant milestone in the study of Buddhism in India. The religion has a long and rich history in the country, with many of its most important sites located in the eastern regions of the country. The stupa is believed to have been built during a period when Buddhism was flourishing in the region, and it provides important insights into the religion’s development during this time.

The discovery has been hailed as a major achievement by experts. Dr. Anant Chaturvedi, the director of the ASI, described the discovery as a “rare and important find” that would provide important insights into the history of Buddhism in the region. He also praised the efforts of the ASI’s team of archaeologists, who had worked tirelessly to uncover the stupa.

The discovery of the stupa is also expected to have important implications for the tourism industry in the region. Odisha is already a popular destination for tourists interested in the country’s rich history and culture. The discovery of the stupa is likely to increase the number of visitors to the region, which will boost the local economy and provide opportunities for local businesses.


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