Breaking Barriers: IIT-Incubated Firm Unveils BharOS


An Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-incubated firm has developed BharOS, an indigenous operating system (OS) that is set to revolutionize the technology landscape in India. The OS has been developed by the company in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and is expected to be a game-changer for the Indian market as well as for the global market.

BharOS is designed to be highly secure, reliable and scalable. The OS is built on a microkernel architecture, making it less prone to security breaches and more efficient in terms of performance. The developers have also incorporated several features that are specific to the Indian market, such as support for Indian languages and Indian government-approved encryption standards. The company behind BharOS aims to provide an affordable and secure alternative to the dominant foreign-made operating systems currently in use in India. This will not only promote self-reliance and reduce dependence on foreign technology but also create a level playing field for Indian firms in the technology market.

BharOS has no default applications (NDA). Accordingly, consumers are not compelled to utilise programmes that they may not be familiar with or trustworthy. Additionally, this strategy gives users more control over the permissions that apps have access to on their device because they can decide to only give trusted apps access to certain functions or data. BharOS provides “Native Over The Air” (NOTA) upgrades that might aid in maintaining the security of the devices. The gadget automatically downloads and instals NOTA updates without the user having to start anything manually. This makes that the computer is always using the most recent operating system, which comes with the most recent security updates and bug fixes.

The BharOS team has also announced that they will be making the OS open-source, which will allow developers to modify and improve the system to better suit their needs. This will also encourage the growth of a vibrant ecosystem of developers and entrepreneurs around BharOS.. The launch of BharOS is a significant step towards achieving the government’s goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-reliant India) in the field of technology. It is also a major milestone for the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) incubation program, which has been instrumental in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.


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