Controversy Surrounds Contraceptive Distribution at Government-Sponsored Mass Wedding in Jhabua District


MPA government-sponsored mass wedding held in the tribal-dominated Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh has sparked controversy after newly-wedded couples received unexpected gifts of condoms and contraceptive pills. The move, intended as a means of promoting family planning awareness, has drawn criticism from opposition parties, who argue that the distribution was embarrassing for the couples involved. The contraceptives were concealed within makeup boxes, adorned with National Health Mission stickers featuring family planning logos and the message ‘Nai Pahel Kit’ (new initiative kit).

These boxes were given to the 292 women participating in the mass wedding, organized under the ‘Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah Yojana’ (Chief Minister’s Daughter’s Wedding Scheme). When the couples opened the boxes, they were taken aback by the presence of the contraceptives. Jhabua collector, Tanvi Hooda, clarified that the condoms and contraceptive pills were intended to be distributed separately by the health department to raise public awareness.

She emphasized that the administration had not received any complaints regarding the matter. However, opposition parties have condemned the administration’s approach, arguing that such a gesture was unnecessary and embarrassing for the newlyweds. The incident has sparked a debate on the appropriateness of distributing contraceptives as part of a government-sponsored mass wedding event. While the intention behind the initiative was to promote family planning, critics argue that the method chosen was insensitive and lacked proper communication. The Jhabua administration now faces pressure to address the controversy and reconsider its approach to public awareness campaigns on family planning.


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