Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2023: Awakening the Divine Spirit

dev uthani ekadashi

Dev Uthani Ekadashi, also known as Prabodhini Ekadashi, marks the end of the four-month period of Chaturmas, during which Lord Vishnu is believed to rest. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm by Hindus across India. This auspicious day falls on the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of Kartik month, which typically corresponds to October or November in the Gregorian calendar. This year it will be celebrate on November 23rd.


Dev Uthani Ekadashi holds immense religious significance in Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu goes into a state of yoga nidra (divine sleep) on Ashadha Ekadashi and wakes up on Kartik Ekadashi. Devotees believe that waking up the Lord from his cosmic slumber on this day brings prosperity, blessings, and the end of all sins.

Observing a fast on Dev Uthani Ekadashi is considered highly meritorious. Devotees abstain from consuming grains, beans, and certain vegetables. Instead, they eat fruits, nuts, and milk products. The fast is broken on the next day, Dwadashi. Devotees recite special prayers and mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Some also engage in meditation and devotional singing throughout the night.

Pilgrims throng to Vishnu temples across the country to seek the blessings of the deity. Elaborate rituals and aarti are performed in these temples, creating a spiritually charged atmosphere.

Dev Uthani Ekadashi is celebrated with regional variations in rituals and customs. In some regions, a grand procession is organized with an idol or image of Lord Vishnu. In others, the focus may be on community gatherings and cultural performances.

Dev Uthani Ekadashi is a celebration of divine awakening and the renewal of spiritual energy. It is a time when devotees come together to express their devotion to Lord Vishnu and seek his divine blessings. The rituals associated with this auspicious day not only hold religious significance but also contribute to the cultural richness of Hindu traditions.


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