Elvish Yadav a YouTuber who gained fame for his videos about snakes and other exotic animals. However, he recently came under fire for allegedly using snake venom in his parties.
Yadav has denied the allegations, but the case has raised concerns about the dangers of internet fame and the need for social media platforms to do more to regulate their content.
Internet fame: A double-edged sword?
Internet fame can be a great thing. It can give people a platform to share their talents and passions with the world. It can also lead to opportunities for success and financial gain.
However, internet fame can also be a double-edged sword. It can attract unwanted attention and scrutiny. It can also lead to pressure to create increasingly outlandish and dangerous content.
In the case of Elvish Yadav, it is alleged that he allowed his desire for internet fame to cloud his judgment. He is accused of using snake venom in his parties, which is a highly dangerous and irresponsible act.

Is there a need for social media regulation?
Social media platforms have a responsibility to regulate their content and to protect their users from harm. However, they often fall short in this regard.
In the case of Elvish Yadav, it is unclear how he was able to post videos of himself handling dangerous snakes and using snake venom without being flagged by YouTube. This suggests that YouTube needs to do more to regulate its content.
Social media platforms also have a responsibility to educate their users about the dangers of internet fame. They should warn users about the pressure to create increasingly outlandish and dangerous content, and they should provide resources to help users deal with the negative aspects of internet fame.