FC Barcelona Champions Inclusion: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities


FC Barcelona is once again demonstrating its commitment to diversity and inclusion by wholeheartedly celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd. The club, renowned for its “Mes Que Un Club” (“More Than a Club”) motto, goes beyond the field to champion social causes and empower marginalized communities.

This year’s celebration isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about action and showcasing the vibrant talents of individuals with disabilities. Here are some highlights of Barcelona’s impactful initiatives:

1. Spotlight on Barça Genuine: The club’s dedicated mixed football team for people with intellectual disabilities took center stage. Their infectious enthusiasm and skilled footwork served as a powerful reminder that the beautiful game truly belongs to everyone.

2. Uniting Diverse Teams: For the first time, Barça Genuine joined forces with Barça Hockey Plus (ice hockey team for people with physical disabilities) and UNES Barça (basketball team for people with intellectual disabilities) for a unique training session. This symbolic gesture emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration within the disability community.

3. Accessibility at the Heart of It All: Recognizing the need for physical and social inclusion, Barcelona constantly strives to make its facilities and events accessible for everyone. From ramps and sign language interpreters to sensory-friendly spaces, the club ensures that everyone feels welcome and valued.

4. Empowering Through Sports: Beyond the celebratory events, Barcelona’s commitment to disability inclusion extends throughout the year. The Barça Foundation runs numerous programs that use sports as a tool for social integration, physical activity, and skill development for individuals with disabilities.

5. A Message of Inspiration: Through its actions and its platform, Barcelona sends a powerful message to the world: people with disabilities are not just spectators; they are players, leaders, and valuable members of our society. Their talents, strengths, and aspirations deserve to be celebrated and nurtured.

FC Barcelona’s dedication to disability inclusion goes beyond gestures and slogans. It’s a deeply ingrained philosophy that permeates the club’s culture, inspiring not just its players and fans, but also countless others around the globe to embrace diversity, break down barriers, and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to shine.


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