Indian women assaults domestic helper sentenced 16 weeks jail in Singapore


A 37-year-old Indian woman residing in Singapore has been sentenced to 16 weeks in jail after pleading guilty to physically assaulting her domestic helper, also from India. Monica Sharma expressed her dissatisfaction with the helper’s work and proceeded to repeatedly punch her, as well as throw vomit at her face. The incident occurred in the family’s condominium apartment near River Valley Road on April 10, 2021. Sharma’s husband attempted to intervene and apologized to the victim for his wife’s behavior. However, instead of ceasing the assault, Sharma struck the helper’s head with a toy. The court documents revealed that the victim suffered injuries, including swelling over her left eyebrow and a bruised nose.The maid promptly documented her injuries and shared photographs with her agent in India, who then forwarded them to contacts in Singapore. The police were subsequently alerted. During the trial, the Deputy Public Prosecutor urged the court to impose a minimum sentence of five months, emphasizing the difficulty in detecting abuse that occurs within the confines of a private residence. Sharma’s defense lawyer appealed for leniency, citing her client’s anxiety attacks and previous sessions at a psychology center. Sharma was granted bail and is required to surrender herself at the State Courts on May 23 to begin serving her sentence.This case adds to a series of reported incidents involving physical and sexual assaults committed by Indian individuals or couples in Singapore. In a separate incident earlier this year, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman was sentenced to 10 months in prison for abusing her maid. The victim had visible bruises, which the perpetrator attempted to conceal using foundation powder.


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