The state of Karnataka in India recently witnessed a fierce battle for power as voters turned out in large numbers for the assembly elections. With 2,615 candidates vying for the 224 assembly constituencies, the Election Commission of India set the majority mark at 113 seats for forming a government. The campaigns were intense, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging high voter turnout while the Congress party urged voters to make wise choices.
The election saw a turnout of approximately 72 percent, and exit polls suggest that Karnataka may be headed for a hung assembly. While some exit poll agencies favored the Congress party with a slight advantage, three prominent agencies predicted a hung assembly, with the JD(S) potentially playing the role of kingmaker. However, at least five exit polls projected a clear majority for the Congress, with the majority mark set at 113 seats.
The results of this three-cornered contest between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Congress, and HD Deve Gowda’s JD(S) will be announced on May 13. Several exit polls have indicated a strong performance by the Congress, with predictions ranging from 120 to 140 seats out of the 224-member assembly. The BJP and JD(S) are expected to secure a lesser number of seats, while the JD(S) is projected to win around 20-25 seats.
The outcome of the election is crucial as it will determine the formation of the state government. In the previous election in 2018, the BJP emerged as the single largest party but fell short of a majority. However, it managed to form a government briefly before resigning due to a lack of support. Subsequently, the Congress-JD(S) alliance took charge, but it collapsed within 14 months, leading to the BJP returning to power.
As the counting of votes approaches, political parties are closely watching the results, which will have significant implications for the future governance of Karnataka.