Kenyan Woman Arrested at Delhi Airport for Smuggling Cocaine in Whiskey Bottles


In yet another incident of drug smuggling at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, a 25-year-old Kenyan woman was apprehended on Thursday. She was found to be carrying two whiskey bottles filled with cocaine, which had an estimated street value of around ₹13 crore. The arrest was made after the woman arrived in Delhi from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a common source for the illicit drug. Following her arrival, authorities conducted a thorough search, during which they discovered the whiskey bottles containing dissolved cocaine.

The police promptly arrested the accused and seized the contraband. This incident comes just a few months after a Tanzanian national was also arrested at the Delhi airport for smuggling cocaine by disguising it as liquor in whiskey bottles. The modus operandi appears to be similar, with both individuals originating from Addis Ababa. Notably, last year in Mumbai, a Nigerian man was arrested at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport under similar circumstances. He was carrying two whiskey bottles containing liquid cocaine worth ₹20 crore on the illicit market. The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) had received intelligence regarding narcotics being smuggled into India by a passenger traveling from Lagos, Nigeria, to Mumbai via Addis Ababa.

Subsequently, a surveillance operation was set up, resulting in the seizure of the bottles. Liquid cocaine is created by dissolving cocaine powder in water or other solvents, allowing for easier transportation and concealment. The liquid form poses a challenge for law enforcement agencies to detect compared to the powder form. These incidents highlight the evolving methods employed by drug traffickers to smuggle illegal substances into India. Authorities continue to remain vigilant and have stepped up profiling measures to identify potential drug smugglers. The DRI and customs have played crucial roles in uncovering such cases by employing intelligence-based strategies.

The collaboration between law enforcement agencies and international counterparts is paramount in combating the global drug trade and preventing the infiltration of illicit substances. Efforts are ongoing to curb drug trafficking, but these incidents serve as a reminder that constant vigilance and increased security measures are necessary to intercept and apprehend individuals involved in these illicit activities. The arrest of the Kenyan woman once again underscores the need for international cooperation and the implementation of robust security protocols to combat drug smuggling effectively.


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