Mass Resignations Rock NDTV Following Takeover by Gautam Adani; Jacob, Prannoy, Radhika Roy, and More Depart


In a major shake-up at NDTV, a series of high-profile resignations have rocked the news channel following its takeover by business tycoon Gautam Adani. The latest to join the growing list of departures is Jacob, a veteran journalist who had dedicated over two decades of his career to NDTV and served as the esteemed host of the popular show ‘We The People.’ In an email addressed to the company’s staff, Jacob bid farewell and expressed his admiration for NDTV, describing it as an amazing newsroom filled with creative and driven reporters. His departure marks yet another blow to the channel, as a string of influential figures have already chosen to step down in the wake of the ownership change.

Last November, Prannoy and Radhika Roy, who held directorial positions in the board of NDTV promoter RRPRH, announced their resignations, setting off a chain reaction of further departures. Among them was renowned journalist Ravish Kumar, whose decision to leave the channel sent shockwaves through the industry. Soon after the high-profile resignations, more key figures followed suit. Suparna Singh, the channel’s group president, Arijit Chatterjee, chief strategy officer, Kawaljit Singh Bedi, chief technology and product officer, senior journalist Sreenivasan, and Nidhi Razdan, known for her role as an anchor, all submitted their resignations.

The mass exodus of talent from NDTV has raised questions and concerns within the industry about the channel’s future direction under Adani’s ownership. With the departure of respected journalists, seasoned executives, and influential personalities, NDTV now faces the daunting task of rebuilding its team and regaining the trust and loyalty of its audience. As the dust settles, the media landscape eagerly awaits to see how this significant restructuring will shape the future of NDTV and its role in delivering news to the public.


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