New York University Fires Employees for Including Pronouns in Email Signatures, Sparking Controversy


In a surprising turn of events, Houghton University in New York has faced backlash after allegedly terminating two employees for including pronouns in their individual email signatures. Residence hall directors Raegan Zelaya and Shua Wilmot were reportedly fired in April, with the university citing their refusal to remove pronouns from their signatures as the reason for their dismissal. These claims have sparked widespread outrage and raised concerns about the university’s stance on inclusivity and religious conservatism. According to reports in The Independent, Ms. Zelaya was informed of her termination just before the semester ended, citing her refusal to comply with the university’s request and her subsequent criticism of the decision in the student newspaper.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wilmot was charged with making a “threat” against the general superintendent of the Wesleyan Church. He had expressed concerns in a “constructive letter” about the church’s outdated and problematic views on gender identity and expression. The former directors, in a recently released video, explained that they included pronouns in their email signatures to promote inclusivity and to make it easier for others to identify their preferred pronouns. They believed that using individuals’ preferred names and pronouns was a way to respect their dignity and humanity. However, the university’s decision to terminate them has ignited a heated debate about the importance of pronouns and the limits of religious conservatism in academic institutions. The controversy surrounding the firings also coincides with Houghton University’s reported shift towards religious conservatism, aligning itself with renowned Christian universities like Liberty University and Hillsdale College. The university’s closure of its multicultural student center two years ago and the withdrawal of recognition for a student LGBTQ+ club that refused to conform to more conservative language on gender and sexuality have raised concerns among students and faculty members.

While a spokesperson for Houghton University denied that the terminations were solely based on the use of pronouns in email signatures, stating that the removal of extraneous content, including Scripture quotes, has been required in email signatures, the incident has nevertheless drawn attention to the university’s stance on gender identity and expression. As discussions around gender inclusivity continue to evolve, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for acceptance and recognition of diverse identities within academic institutions.


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