Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said hybrid wars of the West cannot stop the development of new centres of power and India and China are already way ahead of the US and European Union.
According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov India and China are way ahead of the United States and EU members when it comes to economic power, financial and political influence.
At a joint address in Eritrea, Lavorv said the establishment of a multi-polar world is an objective and unstoppable process and now the collective West, which includes NATO and the EU, fully controlled by Washington, is trying to reverse this process.

Lavorv said in a statement “But these efforts are futile. The closest thing they can count on is a slight slowdown of the objective course of history.”
He added “No visits to deliver mentor advice nor the hybrid wars of the West (including in Ukraine) can stop the development of new centres of economic power, financial and political influence. Countries like China and India are already ahead of the United States and EU members in many respects ”
The Russian leader went on to describe Turkiye, Egypt, Brazil, countries in the Persian Gulf and other Latin American countries as the future centres of multi-polarity.
Speaking of the upcoming Brics summit in South Africa, Lavrov pointed out that strengthening regional identity in the developing regions of the world does not mean that multi-polarity is not happening in a global dimension. He called Brics a manifestation of global multi-polarity.
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said in an official statement quoting Lavrov “The establishment of a multi-polar world is an objective and unstoppable process. The collective West – the United States, NATO and the EU, which are fully controlled by Washington – are trying to reverse this process. But these efforts are futile. The closest thing they can count on is a slight slowdown of the objective course of history.”