Serbia Violence Protest and Mass shootings


Massive Protest in Belgrade Demands End to Violence and Government Accountability

Tens of thousands of Serbian citizens took to the streets of Belgrade on Monday to voice their outrage against the recent wave of violence that has plagued the nation. The demonstrations, organized under the banner of “Serbia against violence,” brought together people from diverse political backgrounds who were united in their demand for increased security measures and the resignation of key government officials.

Protesters initially gathered in front of the Serbian parliament before marching towards government offices, symbolizing their call for accountability. Among their demands were improved security measures, a ban on violent television content, and the dismissal of Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and intelligence agency director Aleksandar Vulin. The demonstrators also urged an urgent parliamentary session to address the overall security situation in the country.

The Let’s Not Let Belgrade Drown party, a leftist group, released a statement emphasizing the need to halt the further promotion of violence in media and public spaces. They further highlighted the authorities’ inadequate response to previous incidents and called for responsible action.

The recent mass shootings, which left 17 people dead, sparked shock and grief throughout Serbia. In the first incident, a school student carried out a devastating attack, resulting in the loss of eight pupils and a security guard, with several others injured. The following day, another gunman armed with multiple weapons killed eight individuals and injured 14 more.

The surrender of both shooters to the police added to the gravity of the situation. In response to the school shooting, Serbia’s Education Minister Branko Ruzic tendered his resignation, citing the tragic magnitude of the event.

The protests extended beyond Belgrade, with demonstrations taking place in the northern city of Novi Sad as well. The widespread participation in these rallies underscored the urgent need for immediate action to ensure the safety of schools, streets, villages, and cities throughout the country.

As Serbia grapples with the aftermath of these horrific incidents, the massive protests serve as a powerful expression of public sentiment, demanding a comprehensive response from the government to address the escalating violence and protect the well-being of its citizens.


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