Texas Attorney General Calls for House Speaker’s Resignation Amidst Intoxication Allegations


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has ignited a political firestorm by accusing House Speaker Dade Phelan, a fellow Republican, of being intoxicated during a legislative session and calling for his immediate resignation. Paxton’s claims come in the wake of a viral video showing Phelan slurring his words while addressing the Texas State House, which has garnered over a million views on Twitter.

Paxton’s statement asserts that Phelan was “in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication,” although he did not offer any substantial evidence beyond the viral video. Some observers have speculated that Phelan’s slurred speech could be attributed to a stroke rather than intoxication. Nevertheless, Paxton argues that the speaker’s behavior constitutes a failure to fulfill his duty to the public.

The incident has divided social media users, with some defending Phelan and attributing his slurred speech to the prolonged session that extended into late hours. Supporters of the speaker have also pointed to a video from earlier in the day where Phelan appears more coherent. As of now, there has been no response from Speaker Phelan’s office regarding these allegations. The controversy surrounding the incident has thrust Texas politics into the spotlight, raising questions about the integrity and public trust within the Republican party.


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