Lucknow: In a devastating road accident that took place in the Rahimabad area of Lucknow, four people, including two children, from the renowned timber trader’s family in Sandila lost their lives. Two others sustained injuries and are currently undergoing treatment at a trauma center. The incident occurred when the family, consisting of Fahad, son of Aslam, his wife Shamina, their daughter Ashifa, and daughter Fatima, along with Aamir, son of Abdul Rahman, and his wife Munira, were returning to Sandila from Lucknow in a Wagon R car late at night.
While traveling on the Lucknow-Hardoi Highway, near the Jindaur village in the Rahimabad police station area, their car collided with a truck from behind, causing it to veer out of control. As a result, all the occupants of the car sustained severe injuries. The police, who arrived at the scene, immediately rushed all the injured individuals to Malihabad CHC (Community Health Center), where doctors declared Shamina, Fatima, Abdul Rahman, and Aafiya as deceased. Fahad and Munira were referred to the trauma center for further medical attention. Upon receiving the information, the family members arrived at the scene and admitted the injured individuals to the trauma center while bringing back the bodies of the deceased.
The sudden occurrence of four deaths has sent shockwaves through the family. Currently, the relatives have declined any police action, including postmortem procedures. On Friday, when the four bodies were brought to Sandila, chaos ensued, and tears flowed freely among the onlookers. The bodies were laid to rest amid an atmosphere of mourning.
The news of the tragic accident on the Lucknow Road near Gadhijindaur has left everyone in a state of shock. To learn the details of the incident, the SDM of Sandila visited the timber trader’s house and gathered information from the locals about the accident. The Chairman of the area, Raees Ansari, also arrived at the timber trader Aslam’s house upon hearing the news of the four fatalities. On Friday morning, the Chairman visited Aslam’s house and provided reassurance to the people present there. There is an air of sadness among those who frequently visit the timber trader’s house.