Typhoon Doksuri Unleashes Record Rainfall in Beijing, Prompting Mass Evacuations and Widespread Disruptions

Woman standing in rain

Beijing experienced a deluge of heavy rainfall as Typhoon Doksuri’s remnants swept through the city, causing widespread chaos and forcing over 31,000 people to evacuate their homes on Monday. According to state broadcaster CCTV, the capital faced its most substantial rainfall of the year due to the typhoon’s impact. As Doksuri dissipated over northern China, regions including Hebei, Tianjin, and eastern Shanxi also bore the brunt of the relentless downpour, as reported by the China Meteorological Administration. The intensity of Typhoon Doksuri made it one of the strongest storms to hit China in years.

Before reaching Beijing, the typhoon triggered extensive flooding in the southern province of Fujian, displacing hundreds of thousands of residents from their homes. The overnight average rainfall in Beijing was recorded at 140.7 mm (5.5 inches), with the Fangshan area experiencing an alarming 500.4 mm (19.7 inches) of rainfall, according to data from the city’s observatory. The situation remained concerning as heavier rains were expected in southern and western areas in the early hours of Monday. Thankfully, state media reported no damage or casualties in the affected areas, but authorities remained on high alert.

In response to the severe weather conditions, work was suspended at more than 4,000 construction sites, and close to 20,000 buildings were thoroughly inspected for damage. To ensure public safety, various scenic spots across the city were closed to visitors. As the nation grappled with the aftermath of Doksuri’s wrath, another looming threat emerged on the horizon. Typhoon Khanun, which was approaching China’s densely populated coast, posed the potential for further damage to crops that were already ravaged by Doksuri. Authorities were closely monitoring Khanun’s trajectory and taking necessary precautions to mitigate its impact.

The scale of destruction brought by Typhoon Doksuri underscored the importance of preparedness and efficient response measures in the face of such natural disasters. With climate patterns becoming increasingly unpredictable, it is imperative for China’s authorities and citizens alike to remain vigilant and ready to tackle any future challenges posed by extreme weather events. As the nation endures the trials brought on by these powerful storms, collective efforts in disaster management and recovery will be critical in safeguarding lives and minimizing economic losses.


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