Ukrainian President Zelensky Receives Strong Support from UK Prime Minister Sunak Amid Ongoing Conflict


In a display of solidarity and support, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United Kingdom on Monday. This marked the fourth European country visited by Zelensky in recent days, as he has been actively engaging with world leaders to seek assistance for war-torn Ukraine. Sunak, reaffirming his commitment to Ukraine, expressed the urgent need for sustained international support in the face of ongoing aggression from Russia. During their meeting at Chequers, Prime Minister Sunak and President Zelensky discussed the outcomes of Zelensky’s recent talks with European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, and even Pope Francis.

Zelensky’s visit to the UK comes ahead of the Council of Europe Summit in Iceland, where Sunak is scheduled to attend, followed by the G7 Summit in Japan. Highlighting the critical nature of the situation in Ukraine, Sunak emphasized that the international community must stand together to defend against Russia’s unprovoked attacks. To that end, the UK is providing substantial military aid, including tanks, training, ammunition, armoured vehicles, Storm Shadow precision missiles, air defence missiles, and unmanned aerial systems. Downing Street confirmed that the UK will continue to advocate for long-term security assurances and sustained international support for Ukraine.

The British Prime Minister’s meeting with Zelensky at Chequers holds significance as it is the first time a world leader has been hosted at the prestigious residence. It reflects the deepening ties between the two countries and underscores the UK’s commitment to standing by Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression. Having provided military support worth £2.3 billion in 2022, second only to the United States, the United Kingdom remains a steadfast ally for Ukraine. As Ukraine braces itself for increased military activity, the international community must rally behind the country to ensure its successful defense and prevent the rewarding of Putin’s barbarism. The outcome of the meetings in Iceland and Japan will be closely watched, as the world seeks to address the pressing concerns in Ukraine and demonstrate unwavering solidarity.


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