Unlocking the Power of Global Collaboration


McCarter LaBorde, a global consulting firm that specializes in providing strategic solutions to credit unions, is encouraging US credit unions to get involved with the international credit union movement. The firm believes that by participating in the global credit union movement, US credit unions can benefit from enhanced networking opportunities, gain access to new markets and technologies, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

The international credit union movement is a network of financial cooperatives that operate in over 100 countries worldwide. These cooperatives provide financial services to millions of people around the world, particularly those who are underserved or financially excluded.

McCarter LaBorde is urging US credit unions to join the global movement by becoming members of international credit union organizations such as the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and the International Credit Union Regulators Network (ICURN). By becoming members of these organizations, US credit unions can access a range of resources and tools that can help them expand their services and increase their impact.

The firm also encourages US credit unions to participate in international credit union events such as conferences, forums, and study tours. These events provide opportunities for credit union professionals to exchange ideas, learn about new technologies and trends, and build relationships with industry peers from around the world.

According to McCarter LaBorde, participating in the global credit union movement can also help US credit unions better serve their members. By gaining access to new technologies and best practices from around the world, US credit unions can offer more innovative and competitive products and services to their members.

In addition, by working with international credit union organizations, US credit unions can advocate for policies that support the credit union movement and promote financial inclusion. This can help create a more favorable regulatory environment for credit unions and ensure that more people around the world have access to affordable financial services.

McCarter LaBorde believes that by getting involved with the international credit union movement, US credit unions can help advance the mission of the credit union movement, which is to promote financial inclusion, social justice, and economic development.


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