WhatsApp moves ahead by holding the nerve of the users. As proof of this, it introduces facilities (features) that users like from time to time. Almost everyone follows WhatsApp status. Through this they share their likes, interests, personal and social matters. Until now texts, photos and videos can be tagged under WhatsApp status. Now voice messages can also be put under status. Moreover, WhatsApp has added some more to its status feature.
One’s WhatsApp status can be seen by everyone in their contact list. But, if you want to see one or a few people instead of everyone, you can change the privacy settings.
Voice Status
Voice messages of 30 seconds duration can be recorded and put under WhatsApp status. It will help them express themselves effectively with their words. You can respond to status updates with emojis.
Status profile rings
If you don’t want to miss the statuses of your favorite person on WhatsApp, profile ring allows you to do that.
Link preview
Suppose you have pasted any URL link in the status. You can see the preview before it goes to status.