Jagdeep Dhankhar is the current Governor of West Bengal, India. As the Governor of the state, he presides over the proceedings of the state legislature, the West Bengal Legislative Assembly.
The role of the Governor in the Indian parliamentary system is to act as the constitutional head of the state, representing the President of India. The Governor is also responsible for ensuring that the laws of the state are being executed properly and that the state government is functioning in accordance with the Constitution of India.
As per the Rajya Sabha website, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Vice-President “is the unchallenged guardian of the prestige and dignity of the House”.
“He is also the principal spokesman of the House and represents the collective voice to the outside world.
He ensures that the proceedings of the House are conducted in accordance with the relevant constitutional provisions, rules, practices and conventions…” As part of his duties, he “ensures that Members’ rights of asking questions and receiving complete replies is well enforced and gives rulings on privilege matters and other procedural points”When Jagdeep Dhankhar presides over a session of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, he acts as the impartial chairperson and ensures that the proceedings of the House are conducted in an orderly and peaceful manner.
He has the power to regulate the debates and proceedings of the House and to maintain decorum and dignity in the Assembly. In addition to his role as the presiding officer of the Assembly, the Governor also has the power to address the Assembly and to recommend legislation to the state government.
He can also return a bill passed by the Assembly for further consideration or can refer it to the President of India for his consideration and approval.In conclusion, when Jagdeep Dhankhar presides over a session of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, he plays a crucial role in ensuring that the democratic processes of the state are carried out smoothly and in accordance with the Constitution of India.