World Peace Summit 2023 was a Grand Success: Dr. RajaRao Pagidipalli & Prof. Dr VJE Caroline


“World Peace Summit 2023 was a grand success” said Dr. RajaRao Pagidipalli, Chairman in his concluding speech of the Summit. 2nd Edition of 18-Day World Peace Summit 2023 was commenced on 1st May 2023 and concluded with valedictory ceremony on 18th May 2023. This virtual summit is an annual event to raise global awareness to secure lasting world peace and to demonstrate tolerance, respect and understanding by acknowledging ‘unity in diversity’. This summit received greetings and inspirational messages from Hon’ble Union Ministers, Hon’ble Governors, Hon’ble Chief Ministers, several international universities and organizations. It was inaugurated on 1st May 2023 by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Krishnan, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Tamil Nadu , Prof. Najma Akhtar, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Prof. Murlimanohar Pathak, Vice-Chancellor of SLBSNS Central University, New Delhi. The Chief Guests of the valedictory ceremony were the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor – Dr. Ashok Sangappa Alur, Kodagu University, Government of Karnataka; Prof. Dr. Prabhat Ranjan, Vice Chancellor at D Y Patil International University, Akurdi, Pune; Prof (Dr) Sanjiv Tomar, Pro Vice Chancellor, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur; and Prof. G S R Krishna Murty, Vice-Chancellor, National Sanskrit Central University, Tirupati. All the Hon’ble guests and the delegates rejoiced this achievement during the valedictory ceremony. The summit officially came to an end after the closing remarks from the Managing Director – Prof. Dr. VJE Caroline, who thanked all the delegates for their active participation and motivated them to spread the aim and vision of the Summit 2023.

The 18-Day World Peace Summit 2023 purpose is to promote the World Peace and promote United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. It is the pioneering initiative of Vishwa Humanity United International Royal Council. This Summit has become seed that must be grown into a large tree with branches of Peace, Culture, Justice, Understanding, Forgiveness, Tolerance and Love. This section 8 company is established under Govt of India to be the symbol of the unity and peace for all nations and dedicated to ending poverty by improving and empowering the lives of vulnerable populations around the world and spreading the culture of peace, harmony and tolerance. The summit aimed to promote SDGs, to serve humanity and end violence in building a peaceful world without poverty. This summit addressed and discussed the issues of SDGs, peace and development by nearly 300 distinguished academicians, scientists, professors and leaders from nearly 75 countries. It brought together leading educationists, academicians, researchers and leaders to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of SDGs and World Peace. The Conference had many eminent speakers- notable visionaries: Hon. Minister – Government of Dominica H.E.Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite; Sir. H Dr. Raphael Louis FAAVM Canada – Liaison Officer – Prime Minister Office (PMO); Hon’ble Prof. (Dr.) Ankur A. Kulkarni, Vice Chancellor-SAGE University, Indore; Alan Tupicoff – Director Atsolve; Donessa Arba, Founder and CEO DA Academy for Leadership and Excellence; Veronica Ceban, Founder & CEO – Business Power Academy. Mark Anthony King USA (UNICEF), Melody Garcia, Co-CEO of Soul Script LLC, USA; Kaanchan S Farkiya – Miss World Class Ms. USA; Dr. PR Kulkarni, Waste Management Consultant; Hollywood Celebrity Coach Dame Dr. Munni Irone, USA; Dr. Deepak L. Waikar, (Chief Training Adviser for Tacstra Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore; All guests and speakers envisioned to build resilience, cultivate the culture of tolerance, inclusivity, interfaith harmony, peaceful co-existence, love & social peace building across borders. Speakers emphasized that Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone and shouldered the responsibility to mobilize people from around the world to attain 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

This summit also aims to attach inspiring younger people, to expand their abilities withinside the sphere of peace. This summit has become an important platform for young leaders to come together and work towards a more peaceful and sustainable future. All participants around the world contributed their perspectives and ideas, making it a diverse and inclusive event. This summit achieved its goal of promoting peace and sustainability by creating an inclusive environment where people from various backgrounds and cultures shared their experiences and ideas on peacebuilding. It also provided a unique opportunity for attendees to network and establish international peace initiatives that promote tolerance and inclusivity.The event’s focus on creating inclusive spaces that celebrate diversity and promote mutual respect is crucial to combatting violence and achieving global peace. Global Peace Chain’s vision and mission of cultivating a culture of tolerance and social peace-building across borders is inspiring and much-needed in today’s world.

Prof. Dr. VJE Caroline, Managing Director briefed the annual report along with the future goals of implementation of SDGs pilot projects of Vishwa Humanity United International Royal Council and Dr. RajaRaoPagidipalli Chairman proposed Vote of Thanks and hoped that they should be able to organize more International Summits in future with an objective to implement PEACE through UN SDGs.


  1. Good Afternoon, With Respect And Highly congratulations to all Respected Excellency, Me and my Great Country 🇮🇳 INDIA 🇮🇳🙏💐🤝 Specially Greatful and Thankful to Dr. Raja rao Sir.
    With Respect And Highly Regards…Dr.Durlove Tripathy 🙏🇮🇳 INDIA 🇮🇳🙏💐🤝


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