In a city, everyone has a private plane. No one used a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler there. Sound unbelievable?
But if this phenomenon is true then Hollywood stars have private jets. Even Ronaldo-Messi have their own planes. Such things are still possible only for billionaires like Elon Musk and Bill Gates.
However, in a city, everyone has a private plane. No one used a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler there. Sound unbelievable? But this phenomenon is true in the superpower city of Cameron Park, America where everyone has a private plane. It may sound strange, but in this small town in California, people have to fly in the wind to get anything done.
Whether they want to spend the weekend somewhere nearby,.. they fly. This region has a unique and historical significance. It is not a city in official documents. But fly in residential communities (fly in residential communities). What is it Generally in India everyone uses bikes and cars to go to college, school and office.
Those who have built houses near the office will walk. But not so in the town of Cameron Park. People also use airplanes to go to office. People here park their cars in their garages.Every road is wide. Hence plane and car can travel easily and safely without any hindrance to each other without any fear. In addition, the roadmap and letterboxes are shorter than normal in order to prevent planes from touching their wings.
There is nothing unusual about planes flying over the road here. Because people in this residential area use them to work and travel. There are more than 630 residential airparks in the world, more than 610 of which are in the United States. There is also a reason behind this..
After World War II, many airports remained in the United States of America. The number of pilots increased from 34,000 in 1939 to 400,000 by 1946. The Civil Aviation Authority has proposed to build residential airports across the country. Removed military lanes, but to accommodate retired military pilots. Thus, communities were created where all residents were somehow connected to aviation.