Gaza-Israel Truce Reached, Ending Deadly Cross-Border Fire: Worst Fighting Since 2021 War


After a deadly exchange of fire, Israeli and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza have agreed to a truce brokered by Egypt, marking an end to the deadliest episode of violence since the 2021 war. The ceasefire, scheduled to take effect at 10 pm local time, comes as a relief to Palestinians and Israelis alike, with at least 33 Palestinians in Gaza and two individuals in Israel losing their lives during the recent clashes. The ceasefire agreement, confirmed by Palestinian officials and Egypt’s Al-Qahera News television channel, calls for both sides to adhere to the terms of the truce. The Palestinian source stated that Egypt announced the ceasefire, urging both parties to halt the targeting of civilians, house demolitions, and individuals as soon as the ceasefire commences.

Although the truce was finalized, sporadic rocket fire continued from both sides, as warning sirens echoed across southern Israel. The Israeli military announced that it had targeted and struck six operational command posts belonging to Islamic Jihad. Israel launched the airstrikes in response to intelligence reports indicating planned attacks by Islamic Jihad commanders. In retaliation, the Iranian-backed group fired hundreds of rockets, causing widespread panic and forcing over 1.5 million Israelis to seek refuge in air raid shelters. Over the course of the five-day campaign, Israel eliminated six senior Islamic Jihad commanders and destroyed several military installations. Regrettably, the airstrikes also claimed the lives of ten civilians, including women and children.

Furthermore, reports emerged that Israel allowed international staff members working for foreign organizations to leave the Gaza Strip. Buses were seen transporting dozens of employees from humanitarian and non-governmental organizations after they underwent verification processes. In a separate development, approximately 2,000 protesters marched through Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, waving Palestinian flags and carrying signboards demanding an end to the war. The protest, initially organized against the judicial reform proposed by the Benjamin Netanyahu government, was canceled due to security concerns.


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