Gigantic New Herbivorous Dinosaur Unearthed in Southern Patagonia: Meet Chucarosaurus Diripienda


Argentine paleontologists have made a monumental discovery in the southern Patagonia region, unearthing the remains of a colossal species of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur. This remarkable find, presented on Thursday, has been hailed as one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered. The scientists first stumbled upon the dinosaur in 2018 within the Pueblo Blanco Nature Reserve. The sheer size of the dinosaur’s bones was so immense that it caused the van transporting them to topple over, although fortunately, no injuries were sustained and the remains remained intact.

Given its extraordinary survival through the accident, the paleontologists chose to name the dinosaur “Chucarosaurus Diripienda,” which translates to “hard-boiled and scrambled.” Weighing a staggering 50 tonnes and measuring approximately 30 meters in length, the Chucarosaurus takes the title of the largest dinosaur ever found in Rio Negro province’s mountainous terrain. This magnificent creature thrived during the Late Cretaceous period, coexisting with predators, fish, and sea turtles. Notably, the Chucarosaurus’s femur bone spanned an impressive 1.90 meters, necessitating it to be split into three sections, each weighing over 100 kilograms and requiring a team of at least three individuals to lift. Patagonia has long been renowned for its population of colossal plant-eating dinosaurs, including the renowned Patagotitan mayorum, the largest dinosaur ever discovered.

Scientists are still puzzled by the rapid growth and perpetual growth in some cases seen in these Patagonian giants. However, the Chucarosaurus stands out from its counterparts in terms of its slender and graceful characteristics, evident in its hips, forelimbs, and hindlimbs, as highlighted by paleontologist Matias Motta. Argentina has cemented its position as a global leader in dinosaur research and discoveries, with approximately 140 dinosaur species identified within its borders. The recent excavation was carried out by a team of researchers from the Bernardino Rivadavia Museum of Natural Sciences, the Azara Foundation, and the national research council Conicet, with support from the esteemed National Geographic Society. The discovery of the Chucarosaurus Diripienda adds another remarkable chapter to Argentina’s paleontological legacy.


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