The flagship has received a discount of Rs 8,901 on Flipkart and Amazon. The iPhone 13 is currently listed with a starting price of Rs 60,999, and its retail price is Rs 69,900 on the official Apple website.
So, customers are getting a big discount on this iPhone, but people should not buy the iPhone 13 right now. The iPhone 13 is again available with a big discount on Amazon and Flipkart. The flagship has received a discount of Rs 8,901 on the e-commerce websites. The iPhone 13 is currently listed with a starting price of Rs 60,999, and its retail price is Rs 69,900 on the official Apple website.
Promoting it as the “biggest deal of the sale”, Both Amazon and Flipkart have announced big sale events on their platforms, which will take place on January 15. The members of these platforms will be able to access the Amazon Great Republic Day sale and Flipkart Big Saving Days sale a day early, which is basically on January 14. Amazon has promised to offer a massive discount on the iPhone 13.
The e-commerce giant is saying that these 5G phones will be getting the biggest discount during the sale. So, customers are advised to wait for one more day because there are chances that people could buy the latest version of iPhone 14 at a price similar to the iPhone 13 because Flipkart is advertising that the iPhone 14 deal will start from Rs 6X,XXX. Flipkart, on the other hand, has announced that it will sell the new iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus at the lowest prices.
Something the company is promising via its sale teasers at the moment, the iPhone 14 is listed with a starting price of Rs 73,990 on Flipkart. This price is for the 128GB storage model. The company is already offering it at a discounted rate because the original price of the phone is Rs 79,900. But, people will get it at an even lower price which is .