Iran Executes Three Men Convicted of Killing Security Forces During Protests Triggered by Mahsa Amini’s Death


In a recent development, Iranian authorities have executed three men who were found guilty of violence against the country’s security forces during protests that erupted after the tragic custodial death of Mahsa Amini last year. The judiciary announced the executions of Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi, and Saeed Yaghoubi, who were convicted of “moharebeh” or “war against God” for their involvement in the killing of three security force members, as reported by the judiciary’s Mizan Online news website. The protests, which saw an unprecedented wave of demonstrations in Iran, were sparked by the untimely death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in police custody. Amini had been arrested for allegedly violating strict dress regulations for women by not wearing her hijab properly. The Iranian regime condemned the protests, branding them as foreign-instigated “riots.” The authorities responded with a heavy-handed approach, resulting in the arrest of thousands of Iranians and the deaths of hundreds.

Kazemi, Mirhashemi, and Yaghoubi were apprehended in November and subsequently sentenced to death in January, according to the AFP news agency. They were also charged with being members of “illegal groups with the intention of disrupting national security and collusion leading to crimes against internal security. “The judiciary cited “evidence and documents in the case and the clear statements made by the accused” as proof that “the shootings carried out by these three individuals resulted in the martyrdom of three security forces.” This brings the total number of executions in connection with the protests to seven individuals. Critics argue that the prosecution heavily relied on coerced confessions, and the indictment itself was marred by irregularities, indicating a politically motivated trial.

Hadi Ghaemi, the executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran, based in New York, voiced concerns over the case, stating that it lacked fairness and impartiality. The executions have further heightened concerns regarding human rights in Iran and drawn international attention to the government’s treatment of protesters and dissidents. Advocacy groups continue to call for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mahsa Amini’s death and urge the Iranian authorities to respect fundamental human rights and ensure fair trials for all individuals involved in the protests.


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