The thirteenth installment of money under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) program will be made available by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The program, which debuted in 2019, seeks to give farmers all over the nation direct income support.
Eligible farmers who participate in the PM-KISAN program are given a yearly cash assistance of Rs. 6,000 in three installments of Rs. 2,000 each. The program aims to assist small and marginal producers in covering their costs associated with farming and other related activities.
More than 8.4 crore farmers nationwide will receive the newest installment, which Prime Minister Modi is anticipated to announce and which is worth Rs. 16,800 crore. Beneficiaries will receive much-needed financial assistance during these trying times when the funds are directly transferred to their bank accounts.
More than Rs. 1.15 lakh crore has already been disbursed under the PM-KISAN plan, which has already significantly aided farmers all over India. Small and marginal farmers, who frequently struggle to obtain credit and other financial resources, have benefited particularly from the program.
In addition to providing financial support under the PM-KISAN scheme, the government has launched many other projects to improve the lives of Indian farmers. These programs include the Kisan credit card program, which provides access to credit and the e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) platform, which aims to create a unified national market for agricultural products. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has greatly impacted the lives and livelihoods of people across India, underscores the importance of these programs.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a major effect on people’s lives and livelihoods across India, has highlighted the importance of the government’s emphasis on farmland and rural development. The PM-KISAN plan and other programs have given farms the much-needed assistance they needed to withstand the economic storm the pandemic created.
Therefore, it is a significant development for farmers all over India that the 13th tranche of funds under the PM-KISAN plan will soon be released. The program has already had a significant effect on farmers’ lives, and the most recent installment will give those who most need it additional help and relief.